Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Final Animation Pass on YouTube!

So England drew because we have a goalie with feet for hands. I say sack him. Moving on...
After an epic struggle with my PC, (*rant below if you're interested) the render is now done. I've uploaded the final pass of my animation to You Tube. YouTube has kindly saved it in HD too!

Im going to write up an evaluation for my next blog post to say where it went right, where it went wrong and what I have learned from it. Quite a lot fortunately. That's the anim pretty much finished. It's time to move onto a new project. More on that in good time.

However, it's done and I'm happy!
I'm really looking forward to starting something new. Thank you so much to EVERYONE that helped me out by critiquing effectively, giving good advice, looking at the same anim again and again. For their unwavering support, special thanks to Aron D, Rich B, Al B, Rosh K, Stephen S, Alex W, the animators on Team iMP and the lovely Helana S. Go Brazil!

*Rant Warning:
My Video editor decided it didnt recognise TGA's (only certain TGA's that is). It also decided it have to .NET installed plus a service pack and then I found my ambient occlusion layer was out of sync with my colour layer. Also when my wireless dongle gets too hot it locks up my entire PC, no blue screen or anything, it just locks up. Brilliant. Finally, to top it off, Windows decided it HAD to install an update and shutdown whilst in the middle of a render last night.
I got through a few glasses of Whisky. The good stuff.

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