Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Flower Power!

In Bloom Part 2
Last post I put up some pictures of my favourite tree in Leamington, it looked a bit lifeless and grey, however that was before spring arrived and kicked it into bloom!
Check it out...

This is how it looked before

And this is how it looks in full bloom

a far our shot

and this is the sad way the bloom ends

Okay, I've finished with my flower powered tangent.
Next post will be on a new adventure game im working on in my own time called "The Button"

Have a good one!


  1. hey! I pass that tree on the way to work too!
    Nice post ;)

  2. Perhaps inevitable working in the same building! ;)

  3. oh i seeeee, the penny has dropped! lol.
    I received your Tim Minchin animation virally and I have to say really liked it! Really good work. Hope you're enjoying your stay in leamington!

  4. I am very happy you liked Storm! Equally happy you received it virally, that's the intention :)
    Leamington is wonderful thanks!
    I look forward to seeing stuff on "The Button"...
